Thursday, October 2, 2008


Good Thursday Morning to all from my home,

As you have figured out, I am not there today, but things are to go on with the test anyways. I will be back tomorrow and find out that ALL of you were doing what is expected of you.

In math class, you are to take the test on + - x / fractions with negative integers. This is open notes, so feel free to use them and do your very best. Do all your work on another paper, put the answers on the test, make a comment about the test, and pass in the test to the sub.

NO HOMEWORK!!!! Yippee!!

Pass in the conference time sheets to your homeroom teacher asap.
PROGRESS REPORTS come out this Friday.

Have a great day and stay dry,
Mrs. Charle McAtee

PS Thank you for the comments on how you are doing in class. I need to hear when you are struggling on concepts, but also that a certain thing helped, as in WHITE BOARD TUESDAY. And no, I did not forget to write a blog on Wednesday. The internet was down all day and I could not get to it. Sorry.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Mrs. McAtee. Thats not cool, your not here today! We're all gonna miss you! Anyway, have a nice day off! xD <---- (X D is a smiley face, just so you know.)

Anonymous said...

just finished test hope i did good score HIGH! =)

Anonymous said...

Where are you? We miss you. But the sub, Mrs. Iverson is great. I just found out that I did good on the test with the math but messed up with the signs, so I just need to work with that. Beverly Hills Chihuahua comes out tomorrow. I think you should be able to take us on a field trip to the movies! We could find the area of the seats we are sitting? That would be AWESOME! I love chihuahuas! I wish I could have a chihuahua. I would name it Bruiser. Like in Legally Blonde. Instead, I have a virtual chihuahua named Taco Belle. She is kind of cute. Well, I have to go. I get to go watch The Outsiders.
Cha Cha Diva

Anonymous said...

You posted this at 3:31 inthe morning?
Cha Cha Diva