Friday, January 30, 2009


Oh Happy Friday,

I am back today and heard that you had a good time in class. I was unable to blog yesterday as I was not near a laptop.

In math class we will take that quiz on chapter 7.1-7.4 on converting fractions to decimals to percents.

Homework: Have a great weekend.

Make this a great day,
Mrs. Charle McAtee

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Oh happy Tuesday,

How was last night's homework? I hope it was getting easier as you worked through the work. If not, make sure we cover this material today.

We are getting ready for a quiz over chapter 7.1-7.4 on Thursday. Bring in a calculator to use if necessary.

Half day on Wednesday for all students.

Make this a great day,
Mrs.Charle McAtee

Monday, January 26, 2009


Oh happy Monday,

Today is the first day of the 3rd quarter!!! Make is a great new start.

In math class we are continuing on with converting fractions to decimals to percents and using the percent equation.

Homework: page 334 # 12-60 even #

Make this a great day,
Mrs.Charle McAtee

Friday, January 23, 2009


Oh Happy Friday,

We did it. Today is the last day of Quarter 2, can you believe this?!!

In math class we are working on proportions and from what work was done yesterday, you have a fairly solid grasp on this. Nonetheless, bring in any question you have with this. We will review converting fractions to decimals to percents.

Classwork: page 333-334 #2-48 even work in teams and check out the answers with my book.
Homework: Have a great weekend.

Make this a great day,
Mrs.Charle McAtee

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Good Thursday Morning,

How did you do with lasts night's homework? I hope you found this a nice change. In class we will be going over the homework and questions from last night. We then will move on to PROPORTIONS. I think you are going to find this a review of some of the work we have done this year.

Homework: pages 324-326 #2 - 40 even #

FYI: Quarter 2 ends tomorrow!

Make this a great day,
Mrs.Charle McAtee

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Good Wednesday Morning,

It is fitting that with a new era in US History, we are starting a new concept in Math. Today we are going to start working on Ratios and Rates. These are very practical skills that will help you throughout your lifetime, so let's us get to this today. We will be learning how to set up ratios and rates and then we will be able to use and compare them.

Homework: pages 319-320 # 2-34 even numbers

Quarter 2 ends this Friday

Make this a great day,
Mrs.Charle McAtee

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Good Tuesday Morning,

I am running very late due to a fire in my neighborhood, so you need to be extra helpful to the sub until I arrive.

Because this is a very special day with the coverage of our 44th president, we will be watching the news on this.


FYI: Quarter 2 ends this Friday.

Make this a great day,
Mrs.Charle McAtee

Friday, January 16, 2009



We are taking a quiz on chapter 11.1-11.4 dealing with linear functions. If you are reading this blog this morning, I appreciate it.

Homework: Enjoy your LONG weekend and see you on Tuesday.

Make this a great day,
Mrs.Charle McAtee

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Happy Thursday to all,

We will be reviewing the work on functions, graphing functions to get ready for the quiz on Friday over chapter 11.1-11.4. Please bring in any questions you have on any of this material.

Homework: Chapter 11 Sections 1-4

Make this a great day,
Mrs Charle McAtee

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Good Wednesday Morning,

In math class we will be reviewing functions, tables, and graphing. Make sure we cover any and all of your questions concerning this as we are at the midway point-QUIZ- on Friday.

Homework: Page 563 all

Make this a great day,
Mrs.Charle McAtee

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Good Tuesday Morning,

I have heard from several of you that you did struggle with last night's homework. SO with that in mind, we will make sure we go over the work carefully. Please come in with your questions you have so those are cleared up also. We will make sure we cover linear functions, function rules, and the horizontal and vertical function exceptions. A lot of material to review today.

Homework: page 559 # 15-25 odd # 31-35 odd#
Bonus: On the top of your homework, write down that you read my blog today for a homework pass.

Make this a great day,
Mrs.Charle McAtee

Monday, January 12, 2009


Good Monday Morning,

Another week to learn. Yippee....
In math class we are plugging away with graphing functions. Today we are working on Linear Functions. What does linear remind you of? We will be working with function rules and getting equations using 2 variables into function form. Oh yeah, what is a function?

Homework: pages 558-559 # 2-13 all # 14-24 even #

Make this a great day.
Mrs. Charle McAtee

Friday, January 9, 2009


Oh Happy Friday,

Yeah, we made it to the end of the week! It seemed long even with the snow day on Wednesday.

In math class we are plugging away with graphing functions. Are you getting the hang of it? We'll be playing with function rules and graphing in class so bring in your laptops.

Homework: Enjoy your weekend.

Make this a great day,
Mrs.Charle McAtee

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Happy Thursday Morning,

I hope you all enjoyed your snow day yesterday.

In math class we will be going over functions and vocabulary associated with this. Range, domain, input, output, x,y, graphing, and function. We will review what makes a function and what a function is not. After reviewing the homework, we will move onto using our laptops to graph the functions we solved. We will move onward to scatter plots and the vocabulary related to those: positive and negative relationships and ordered pairs.

Homework: pages 547-548 #3-14 all

Make this a great day,
Mrs.Charle McAtee

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Good Tuesday Morning,

From your comments, I know some of you are anxious about functions. Don't panic yet as they will become a bit more understandable today. We went over a few things about functions yesterday and will review them today to help cement the concepts in. X, domain, and input are the same things, while Y, output and range are also interchangeable. As some of you guessed, this will be leading up to graphing the ordered pairs(x,y) we solved in the homework. We will review last night's homework and continue on with the function rules and tables today. So hang on and keep an open mind in class today.

Homework: Page 543

Today is White Board Tuesday for a review on working with fractions and negative integers and the 4 operations. Anyone still struggling with these, needs to come in during tutorial.

Make this a great day,
Mrs. Charle McAtee

Monday, January 5, 2009


Oh Happy New Year to All,

It is nice to be back. I have missed all of you. I hope you got in lots of fun times while you were out.

In math class we are moving on with FUNCTIONS. This is a tricky section, but can be fairly fun once you catch the rhythm or patterns. The vocabulary is extensive and you will need to learn them- relation, input, output, function, domain, and range are a few to begin with. We will try to cover these and begin the work today in chapter 11.

Homework: page 543 # 11,13,14,15,16

Make this a great day,
Mrs.Charle McAtee