Thursday, September 25, 2008


Oh Happy Thursday,

Did you all enjoy your extra few hours away from school? I hope so.

Today in math class we are moving onward with working with fractions. Today though, we start using unlike denominators. Another step to add to the process, but with the strong foundation you have already, this should be a cinch. Remember we are still using all of the rules of OOO(Order Of Operations), Positive and Negative Integers, and of course, the fraction rules. Hang in there as we will get though this. You do have to have a strong grasp of this as it is NOT going away. Trust me, pretty soon, most of you will not dread working with fractions!!

Homework: Practice 5.2 # 1-9 all

Have the best Thursday today ever,
Mrs. Charle McAtee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you should bring in your puppy more often!!!!!!!!!!! She is sooooooooooo sooooooo sooooooo cute :]

Everybody was awwwwwing.

But she is soo cute =D