Thursday, January 8, 2009


Happy Thursday Morning,

I hope you all enjoyed your snow day yesterday.

In math class we will be going over functions and vocabulary associated with this. Range, domain, input, output, x,y, graphing, and function. We will review what makes a function and what a function is not. After reviewing the homework, we will move onto using our laptops to graph the functions we solved. We will move onward to scatter plots and the vocabulary related to those: positive and negative relationships and ordered pairs.

Homework: pages 547-548 #3-14 all

Make this a great day,
Mrs.Charle McAtee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! I love graphing functions! It is SOOOOOOO fun! Marissa says "you're puppies are cute!" (she's is sitting next to me and would like to have her voice be heard) Have a SUPER DUPER DAY!