Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Welcome to the GREAT DIAMOND ISLAND TEAM!!!! It is such a pleasure having you here, your new home away from home.

Every day I will be blogging to you about the agenda for the day and other note worthy events happening in Math and/or the GDI team, so tune into this daily. I welcome your comments, but I do want you to include only your first name with it. I read these several times a day and will reply to yours.

We will be passing out endless number of forms for you and your parents to read and sign. Please do so asap and return all of them to me. Schedules will be filled in as well as locks and lockers will be passed out today. If you get a bottom locker, take heart as half way through the year, we switch! Fair is fair. Along with forms and more forms, we have a guest speaker coming in. His name is Mr Rolfe and he is a regular in Mr Wilkinson's science classes. We then will go to lunch. After lunch, we will have a mini schedule for the afternoon. We will be following the MONDAY schedule even though today is Wednesday. Go figure!

*ALL forms signed and returned, esp. the laptop forms as we are using the laptops on this coming Tuesday.
* Bring in some reading materials for SSR. Anything of your interest is allowed, but you must bring in something by Thursday.
* Cover your books.

Mrs Charle McAtee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Math is ok i just dont like working on computers but its not to bad